The Top 5 Health Benefits of Coffee
Coffee is an extremely popular drink that is consumed worldwide. The dark, rich color and captivating aroma provides a strong incentive for many people to get out of bed each day. In fact, many people are not themselves until they fill their favorite cup with this energy- producing liquid. For all those who swear that they can’t function without coffee, do you know that several health benefits are derived from drinking this aromatic beverage?
So, it’s not just about tantalizing your taste buds, coffee is good for your health. Everyone wants good health and would certainly want to try a product that is inexpensive and readily available. Coffee houses like Starbucks, which is known internationally for superb quality and taste, collaborates with UberEats to deliver coffee directly to your door. Several benefits of drinking coffee are outlined below:
1. Coffee Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes prevents the body from using insulin properly. Insulin helps your body to convert sugar into energy. Coffee contains, not only the active ingredient caffeine, but several antioxidants which reduces vulnerability to diseases. Coffee helps in processing sugar and therefore reduces the possibility of getting type 2 diabetes.
2. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Coffee also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Consuming coffee also reduces the risk of contracting Alzheimer’s disease. The caffeine offers protection against memory loss caused by this debilitating disease. Various studies have been done which posits that consumptions of coffee during later years give protection against this condition.
3. Coffee protects against cirrhosis of the liver
The routine consumption of coffee provides protection against diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis destroys healthy tissue and replaces it with scar tissue which results in malfunctioning of the liver. This disease eliminates healthy cells and causes inflammation which are caused by conditions such as alcoholism or obesity. Coffee contains antioxidants which are beneficial to the liver.
4. Coffee safeguards against Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s is a degenerative disease that affects the cells in the brain that are responsible for movement. Some symptoms include rigid muscles, reduced mobility and tremors. Medical research shows that coffee can prevent the formation of poisonous protein particles that are related to the onset of this chronic disease. Drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease by up to 30 percent. There is also scientific proof that coffee can improve symptoms for persons who have already been diagnosed with this condition.
5. Coffee lowers the risk of heart disease
Many persons suffer from heart disease which is a life-threatening condition. This condition occurs when the heart is incapable of pumping an adequate supply of blood to the body. Much research has been done to determine the effects of coffee on the heart. While every situation is different, it has been established by several studies that coffee does provide protection against heart disease. Caffeine assists in releasing natural hormones that provides stimulation to the heart.
Many healthy alternatives exist that will still allow you to enjoy your coffee. Some enjoyable options include adding, vanilla, coconut or almond milk. Whether or not you have health challenges, you should reduce your sugar consumption, so that you can enjoy the health benefits of coffee as excess sugar will obliterate these benefits. Although coffee is good for you, moderation is important, especially if you have health challenges. Next time you stop at your favorite Starbucks coffee shop or order online from Uber Eats coffee delivery, remember it’s not just about satisfying your coffee craving, it’s also about preserving your health.