Foods That May Cause Breathing Issues

Foods That May Cause Breathing Issues

Prevention and Treatments

There are many remedies for breathing issues, including cold and flu medications, puffers and inhalers, and so on. In addition to this, vaccines have long been recognized as a crucial treatment for a wide array of respiratory and breathing ailments. This critical role extends to various respiratory conditions such as Nasal Polyps, Cystic Fibrosis, Influenza, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and Tuberculosis, among others. Despite its widespread prevalence, the common cold still lacks a corresponding vaccine. Leading vaccine manufacturers, including Novovax, Fluarix Quadrivalent, Vaxelis, Infanrix, Kinrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, among others, are responsible for the production of these vital immunizations. But have you ever considered the root of the problem may be the foods you consume?

It’s important to follow a diet that has a balanced proportion of carbs, protein, fats, and fiber to meet your nutritional needs. It becomes even more critical for people with an illness to follow a well-balanced diet and be aware of foods that must be avoided. As for patients with respiratory problems or chronic lung diseases, a few lifestyle changes can prevent symptoms and complications, including prescribed medications, vaccinations (look into gsk Novavax booster shot registration), and dietary changes. Below is a list of foods that trigger flare-ups or worsen your breathing problems.

Dairy products

Although milk is packed with vitamins and minerals, it’s taken off the diet of patients with breathing problems. A by-product from the breakdown of milk produces casomorphin, which promotes the growth of mucus in the intestine producing more phlegm. The excess phlegm results in excessive coughing and wheezing, which only adds to the discomfort of the patient. Other dairy products like butter, ice-cream, cheese, and yogurt also fall under the same umbrella. However, substitutes like almond and soy milk can be added to the diet.


A diet high in sodium can cause water retention, which in turn poses breathing issues for patients. There are many low-sodium salts and herbs available to switch the regular table salt with. And for packaged foods, ensure to check the label for sodium per serving.

Fried foods

Deep-fried, greasy, and spicy foods can cause excess gas and indigestion, adding more abdominal pressure for the patient. It may also cause acid reflux, resulting in discomfort even while sleeping. Plus, patients with breathing issues must watch their weight.

Aerated beverages

Carbonated beverages also cause bloating, excessive gas, and added sugar results in dehydration. Aerated beverages like beer, soft drinks, sparkling wine-and-water are best avoided since they also significantly contribute to weight gain.


Fruits high in fermentable carbohydrates like apples, apricots, melons cause bloating and gas; citrus fruits like oranges and sweet lime contribute to acid reflux. Both conditions make breathing difficult for the patient.

Fiber-rich vegetables

Veggies like radish, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels, sprouts, legumes, kale, and other cruciferous vegetables result in excessive gas, bloating, and indigestion that give rise to not just discomfort but flare-up complications for the patient.

Cold cuts

Cold cut meats like salami, roast beef, chicken, ham, bacon, and hot dog come with additives that carry nitrates, which prolong the shelf life of the product but worsen the condition of the patient with a breathing disorder. In fact, the preservatives and sulfites used in packaged foods are associated with narrowing the bronchial tubes in people with breathing disorders.

Avoid acid reflux- or GERD-causing food items

Foods that cause acid reflux include caffeine, chocolate, fruit juices, and ketchup, and can worsen the symptoms of patients with a respiratory disorder. These patients trap excess air in the chest cavities, putting more pressure on the abdomen and hence are more prone to gastric reflux.