7 Foods That Trigger IBS Symptoms

7 Foods That Trigger IBS Symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal condition. Patients with this disease experience altered bowel habits, which may result in bloating, stomach cramps, and food intolerance. While there is no specific cure to get rid of this disorder completely, there is a possibility of controlling the symptoms by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Here are some foods that are particularly unhealthy for people with IBS and may aggravate the symptoms:

  • Kale and other cruciferous vegetables
    Cruciferous vegetables like kale contain a substance called raffinose, an indigestible sugar, which causes discomfort if eaten raw. Such vegetables have a reputation for causing excessive bloating. Consuming these veggies while suffering from IBS will only aggravate the symptoms.
  • Fruits with pits and seeds
    Fruits like apples, cherries, mangoes, etc., are rich in simple sugars like fructose, which prove harmful to people with IBS. Any food items that contain excessive amounts of fructose must be avoided to manage IBS. These foods include syrups, honey, or agave.
  • Gluten
    Some people are gluten intolerant and experience bad reactions after consuming gluten-rich foods. Gluten is found in food items like wheat and rye. These foods are especially harmful to those who suffer from celiac or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
  • Fried foods
    Eating fried foods like french fries and nuggets may aggravate the symptoms of IBS and may also cause several other health problems. For IBS patients, eating foods like pizza or fried chicken could lead to severe bloating, nausea, stomach pain, and acid reflux. Such foods can be grilled instead of fried in order to make them safer to eat; if you still want to fry them, try switching to healthier alternatives of oils like extra virgin olive oil.
  • High fiber foods
    In some cases, a high fiber diet may help relieve constipation in the case of IBS, while in some it’s observed that such foods elevate symptoms like bloating and gas. Having said that, fibers are still important for your gut health and should be consumed in healthy proportions.
  • High-FODMAP fruits and vegetables
    FODMAP (foods containing fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) fruits and vegetables are quite difficult for the body to digest. Upon digestion and fermentation in the gut, these nutrients provide energy to healthy bacteria present in the digestive tract. However, in some people, this process may take longer than usual, which results in the production of excess gas, causing bloating. Hence these foods must be avoided by people with IBS to prevent aggravating such symptoms.
  • Spicy foods
    While this may seem like the obvious option, we felt the need to mention it. The main ingredients in spicy foods include varieties of chili peppers, which are known to trigger stomach aches. This is a prime symptom observed in IBS. It is best to avoid such foods to manage IBS symptoms.